

  1. Great work mastering the basics of; creating PS documents, adding images, cutting out shapes, adding text and adding basic effects. Target: experiment with more advance text effects.

    - Create a new blog post (title: Analysing Horror Posters)
    - Choose a horror poster and put the image of it on your post.
    - Write three paragraphs about how the poster follows horror conventions and attracts an audience through the following; colour pallet choices e.g. what colours are used? What do they connote (make you think of)? Why do they attract the target audience?, Imagery e.g. what is the main image? What does it connote about the film genre/narrative? Why will the image attract the target audience?, Title/text e.g. what is the film called? Why does the title show the genre? Why will the title make the audience interested in the film?


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