Homework:The Lego Movie

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) =Film

The Office of Communications, commonly known as Ofcom = Radio and TV

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) =Advertising

Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) =Newspaper and magazines

Pan European Game Information (PEGI) =Video games


challenges genre convocation : night be a mixture a variety of genres of typical character roles. Pastiche: imitates other texts humorous take ono society/culture. Hyper-reality makes the audience aware that they are watching a movie.The Lego Movie is Postmodernism by changing from fantasy to fantasy . 


why was The Lego Movie TV marketing so successful?

A brand will create useful or entertaining content targeted at consumers that will soon be in a position to pay for the company's services/products.
Company brought in Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (of 21 Jump Street and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs fame) to create a genuinely funny and clever movie.

The benefits of this Lego film are not just limited to the supportive spending of adults either. What makes a children's movie such an enduring legacy is that it firstly finds its excitable audience in the cinema, then the young viewers eagerly snap up a DVD that can be viewed several times over and will probably sit in the DVD collection for years.

On the other hand, We mentioned above the core theme of the movie: the difference between those who create and those who build, the difference between those who lead and who follow, and the difference between those who choose to be themselves or a part of something bigger. They do it to laugh, to cry, to get angry, sad and to experience the millions of shades of emotion that lie in between these broad categories .

Finally The Lego Movie has a very clear idea of who it’s speaking to Film critics laud this movie’s ability to offer ‘something for everyone’, with a healthy dose of slapstick for the kids, cultural savvy for the teens, and scathing yet hilarious social commentary for the grown-ups. In other words, it’s nailed its content pillars.

What is SYNERGY in marketing?

Synergy in marketing is when two marketing initiatives create a response greater than the sum of the combined response the two would have elicited alone. For small businesses, which often lack the funds for an aggressive marketing budget, the key to achieving marketing synergy is in multiple, low-cost initiatives.

How did the lego movie use SYNERGY?

The synergy throughout the campaign was obvious with the colours that were used throughout. The colours were very bright and they stood out from all the other posters. Many of the posters had close ups of the characters on them saying who the character was and who was playing them. The trailers were also similar, using bright and vibrant colours. Because the company Warner Bros own the rights to DC, it means they were able to use many characters from the DC universe.

Why would a film company want to make a video game to tie in with the film?

All film companies would want to tie in a video game to the film for more interest to the younger audience that don't see the adverts on TV. Also if the child gets the video game and  hasn't seen the film this will encourage them to want to see the film. This will lead then to the Parents taking them to see the film, and if they like the film they will tell their friends and family to go and watch the film. This will then make the range of the audience wider. Another reason why they would want to tie a video game to the film is to also let the kids get the  meaning to the story line of the film because not all jokes and characters are for the younger generation most or some for the characters and jokes are for the older audience to laugh at.

Homework 2

The lego movie appeals to kids that like leo because obviously they would enjoy it because the storyline is quite easy to follow so for the younger audience they wouldn't find it difficult to watch without understanding it. Also different characters would be liked by different people and they would be able to feel like they could relate to some of the characters.

Parents of the kids or even if they don't have kids they still might like the lego movie they would also be appealed to the film because they used to play with the lego when they were younger and wouldn't have played it for a while because of their children and the would also like the storyline as it id related to parenting and kids that would be around their childs ages.

Young cinema goes would enjoy the film because they would feel like they could really relate to some of the characters and there is a romance in the storyline. Its is also easier storyline to follow so they would just be able to go and watch it with their friends and it would be difficult to understand.

Homework 4

Blulmer and Katz  came up with four main uses :

-  Identity
-  Relationship
-  Personal Information
-  Entertainment

Homework 5

The genre convention shown in The Lego movie posters are the male character are known and usually the people who save the female character but from the main movie poster use see in this poster that the main character Emmit is running away with a very scared look on his face and the female to his left is looking very calm and relaxed during the situation.

The title shows what the name of the film is called ' The Lego Movie ' 
The tag line ' The story of nobody who saved everybody ' this instantly makes you think what does this mean .
The main images are all the main character at the front with all the sub main characters of all the different genres.
The main setting is just a normal city with not a lot going on.

The Lego Movie uses stereotypes but in a different way because it uses it in reverse because you see Emmet and Wyldstyle are the opposite to the stereotypical male and woman because the woman as shown as a weak harmless person unlike the male are the muscular .

Homework 6

A brand will create useful or entertaining content targeted at consumers that will soon be in a position to pay for the company's services/products.
Company brought in Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (of 21 Jump Street and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs fame) to create a genuinely funny and clever movie.

The benefits of this Lego film are not just limited to the supportive spending of adults either. What makes a children's movie such an enduring legacy is that it firstly finds its excitable audience in the cinema, then the young viewers eagerly snap up a DVD that can be viewed several times over and will probably sit in the DVD collection for years.

On the other hand, We mentioned above the core theme of the movie: the difference between those who create and those who build, the difference between those who lead and who follow, and the difference between those who choose to be themselves or a part of something bigger. They do it to laugh, to cry, to get angry, sad and to experience the millions of shades of emotion that lie in between these broad categories .

Finally The Lego Movie has a very clear idea of who it’s speaking to Film critics laud this movie’s ability to offer ‘something for everyone’, with a healthy dose of slapstick for the kids, cultural savvy for the teens, and scathing yet hilarious social commentary for the grown-ups. In other words, it’s nailed its content pillars.


  1. Wk1: Good understanding of regulators and some of Postmodernism


    Wk3: This looks copy and pasted and doesn't really answer the questions. Think about why the TV campaign was so successful.


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