
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Lego Movie : Poster Campaign

The Lego Movie 21/06/18 Poster Campaign LO: To explain the effectiveness of the campaign; to analyse using uses and gratification theory Lego Movie  They have released over 20 teaser posters on their character so this would create and secondary audience. The secondary audience are adults because the posters have the characters from over films to memorise the old films to attract them.\ In the lego movie the gender stereotypes are in reverse because the woman int this are the dominant muscular person and the male is the more weak . 10 Mark essay Question The Lego Movie uses stereotypes but in a different way because it uses it in reverse because you see Emmet and Wyldstyle are the opposite to the stereotypical male and woman because the woman are shown as a weak harmless person unlike the male are the muscular .