Music Industry

 The Music Industry                                                           06/09/18

LO:To identify and explain different music genres

hip hop
heavy metal
j pop 

Rock-  they wear black leather usually long hair they sound very deep and loud anger and depression 

Pop - bright colours and also glamours clothing very upbeat and happy songs also its about relationships
and feelings

country - its mostly acoustic with guitars


teens aged 16 - 21
Pirate Fm


fallout boy
one D

Music Magazines 

LO:   To explore the terminology and genre of popular music magazines.

Typography= a technique to make writing more appealing layout blue print of a blue printed or published work
layout= the arrangement of visual elements on page
lexis= the choice of the words used
colour palette= choice of the main colours used
mise-en-sence= props,light,costume, and settings etc. 
There are mainly bright colours mostly pink. Also most of the camera shots are all taken at the same angle. The main cover line is bold and mainly in the top third of the magazine. The word choices are mainly to do with the type of magazine it is so for example its pop so the words are like 'Pop' also 'Instyle' this shows the type of this is aimed at young teens that want to be in the fashion whereas with adults there more dated and don't really stay in the fashion sense of a pop music.

The main colours for the Rock is black grey and if they have bright colours they are usually yellow white or red. Most shots for rock are close ups but sometimes you get mid range and long shot also most of the artists are facing face on to the photo or not looking at the camera at all.The font size always big to be in your face and try to intimidate you .

For Rap and Hip hop they range there colours from black all the way to  white . Also in most if not all magazine the use the saying 'XXL' they have all different types of camera angles form close ups all the way to long shot .There front is very big but can be also very small depending on the meaning .

Genre and Target Audience

LO: To identify target audience for variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes

  • Age range is 16-46 years
  • Race any 
  • Location is urban and country style 
  • employment status - any
The most common person to read this would be people interested in rock music or other bands included in rock music or other bands included. People who read this genre will be better off with moneys the magazine is featuring lots of tours of the bands will be going on.

      • Age 12-17 
      • Gender - mainly female
      • location is urban ares
          • Race any
          • Employment status - unemployment
          • People who read the genre of magazines are usually teens who like celebrities like Justin Bieber, this is why he on the cover. The cover is meant to seem simple.

      • Age 25-40 
      • gender males 
      • location country or urban areas 
      • employment status - employed 
          • The genre for this magazines is rock music, the people listening to this are commonly reforms at the people who listens to rock are exploring something new or looking for enlightenment. 

      • Age 15-17
      • gender mainly male 
      • location- typically urban areas 
      • employment status- any
          • People reading this magazine are  probably egoist or trendies as they are trying to get the most out of life .Also the artist that is on the front thinks he's number one and only cares about him self.

Mojo Magazine:

  •  a magazine of high brand values and integrity. A carefully crafted musical archive covering the very best of music across genres. From classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental.
  • Circulation figures 79,345
  • Publisher EMAP
  • Target audience: rock and classic rock lovers 

The Magazine Industry                                        27/09/18

Lo: To explore the magazine industry ownership,regulation and revenue

Conglomerate: A media conglomerate, media group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

Globalised: The media industry is, in many ways, perfect for globalization, or the spread of global trade without regard for traditional political borders. ... Media is largely a cultural product, and the transfer of such a product is likely to have an influence on the recipient's culture.

Diversify: (of a company) enlarge or vary its range of products or field of operation.
"the company expanded rapidly and diversified into computers"
synonyms: branch out, vary output, expand, enlarge operations, extend operations, spread one's wings.

Regulation: Media regulation is the control or guidance of mass media by governments and other bodies.

Revenue: when of an organization and of a substantial nature.
"traders have lost £10,000 in revenue since the traffic scheme was implemented"

Circulation : A newspaper's circulation is the number of copies it distributes on an average day. Circulation is one of the principal factors used to set advertising rates. Circulation is not always the same as copies sold, often called paid circulation, since some newspapers are distributed without cost to the reader.

Whats on TV = Time inc Media

Radio Times = Hubert burda media

TV choice = Bauer

Take a break = Bauer

Good House keeping = Hearst communication 

Cosmopolitan = Hearst communication 

BBC Gardeners 'World = Hubert bursa media

Bauer have over 600 magazines.

MOJO and Q
TV choices h, bue
They focus on many types of music which brand at different audiences. 
They have created to reduce risk of losing money.



magazine sells
classified advertising

magazine sells have reduced over ten years because technology is too advanced

they would loose a lot of money therefor they would make websites and transfer everything online

Mojo magazine                              01/10/18

Lo: to explore and define the magazines target audience 

  • Award winning 
  • high quality articles
  • New and old artist but always popular 
  • Mixed genres 
  • 30 pages plus of the best music that month
  • World 's largest uk music magazine
  • If your featured in MOJO you matter
  • Mojo is the music expert 
  • high quality journalism 
  • Cover all genres of music  

MOJO audience 

It has a niche audience . It has a circulation of around d 68,000 and a readership of about 138,000.

demographics = 86%
 mean age = 42
 ABC1 profile = 49%.

MOJO: Uses and gratification                    04/10/18

LO: To identify what audiences get out of music magazines

Music magazines often address the fandom of a specialised audience and may reinforce the reader's sense of being a fan of a particular genre of music. MOJO  magazine addresses educated lovers authentic music and so might serve to reinforce that identity.

Music magazines offer aspirational role models - musical starts - with whom their  readers may identify. MOJO magazine features legendary musician on the cover every month.

Music magazines offer news and gossip that might form the basis of the real life conversations. For example, MOJO  magazines has a regular mid blowers section that offers preferably obscure and edgy recommendations and lengthy feature articles that offer original content. 

Music magazines offer a range of entertainment please such as comedy gossip CD's and other free gifts striking visuals and attractive starts. 

Music magazines offer a sense of being in contact with the world, giving information about  the world popular music. This is a main function of music magazines. 

Cover Analysis                                  11/10/18

Lo: To analyse the cover of a magazine, linking it to genre and audience.


a person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate.


The process of expanding business opportunities through additional market potential of an existing product. Diversification may be achieved by entering into additional markets and/or pricing strategies. Often the product may be improved, altered or changed, or new marketing activities are developed.

Audience adress:

Generally speaking, being part of an audience means being part of a media event, where people engage with mediated information. People are audience when they are in an audience and in audience.

Discerning :

To perceive by the sight or some other sense or by the intellect; see, recognize, or apprehend: They discerned a sail on the horizon. to distinguish mentally; recognize as distinct or different; discriminate: He is incapable of discerning right from wrong.

House style:

The expression house style refers to the specific usage and editing conventions followed by writers and editors to ensure stylistic consistency in a particular publication or series of publications (newspapers, magazines, journals, websites, books).

Dave Growl is from the band Foo Fighters and are current

Nirvana was a band and are no longer together and there genre was alternative rock and grunge

Lou Read was the lead singer for the band called the Velvet Underground and there genre was 
Rock, experimental,  proto-punk,glam rock, art ock noise rock.

Ian Dury was the lead singer of the band called Ian Dury and the Blockheads and aren't around anymore there genre was the new wave, punk rock, post punk rock and roll, and pub rock

Sparks is an american pop and rock and aren't really around anymore there genres where art pop, art rock, glam pop, new wave, synth pop, power pop, disco and chamber pop.

Dave Gilmour was is the band called pink floyd there gerne was 
Progressive rock, psychedelic rock art rock ,ambient ,blues rock

Cat stevens was a folk artist not current.

Elvis was and old artist and sang rock and roll

shot type:
mid shot

star vehicle:
Dave Grohl

Colour palette:
Black, white, blue, red, yellow.

Bands artists mentioned:
Dave grohl
Loue reed
Ian dury
Dave gilmour
Cat stevens


Main coverline style:
Dave Grohl. the songs that saved his life. NirvanA. reading '92

Minor coverline style:
Its a mix between Capitals and non capitals

159 reviews

USP (freebies):
 free CD

Placement of text:
placed around the face

                   MOJO Analysis                  15/10/18

Lo:  To analysis the cover of a MOJO magazine, linking it to genre and audience. 

Mid Shot:
They have used a mid shot on the magazine to focus on the facial expression of Dave Growl. His expression is very serious which relates to the target audience who are very serious about music. It also relates to the genre of the music (rock) used in the magazine. The text is placed around the main image of Dave Grohl as it makes the reader focus on the main image.

Colour palette:
Colours like black, grey and red are used to relate to the rock music in the magazine, but colours like white and yellow are also used to make the cover seem more modern and relatable. The colours used are seen as more masculine and less feminine colours are used. This could relate to the target audience as the audience are mostly male.

Bands/ Artists mentioned:
The bands and artists mentioned are not very current but are very influential and were most popular in the 70's and 80's. This could relate too the target audience as the average age for MOJO readers is 42, this means they grew up listening to some of these artists. The majority of artists mentioned are male and mostly rock artists or rock bands.

Masthead is modern sane-serif font and block capitals. The masthead suggests MOJO is powerful influence which would appeal to the hard core music fans that then magazine is serious. The font also shows strength and masculinity which relates to the target audience of the magazine and his music.

The red sticker shows that the magazine has 159 reviews which appeals to the people who want to discover new music but learn about older artists as well. The colour red connotes passion and relates to the audience of the magazine.

Free CD:
The free CD is an intertextual link to the nirvana song. The CD also appeals to the older audience as it includes classical music.


Free CD 

Appeals to a wider audience and gives the audience classic music to listen to.

Representation                      1/11/18                



  • Lazy
  • moody
  • argumentative 

  • stronger than women 
  • lazy 
  • don't do house jobs 
  •  Fat
  • stupid 
  • loud

  • The jewellery represents his wealth and how well he did in the music industry
  • His facial expression shows he takes himself and his job seriously 
  • His tattoos are show as a masculine feature and also is a male
  • The age shows he is modern but also well known the he was first singing 
  • His race is black which is an anti stereotypes 
  • You can see from the bright colours that he is pop artist
  • His personality is serious about his work and music 

Music Videos 

LO: To research chosen case studies anyhow they are represented.

The artists are performing 

Has a story line 

When there is no narrative or performance 

What ever they are singing in the lyrics is what there doing 

They are similar to the lyrics but different message 

No relation between the lyrics and what they are doing

Music Video Research 

Little Mix 

Group - Little mix 
Song - Black magic 
Genre - pop
Date the song was released - 1 june 
What the song was about - Black magic is a metaphor  for girls gan they want 
Type of music video - Narrative and performance
What happens in the video - Little mix make a poison to look better and get men
Who features in the video -  Little mix 

All the girls on the block knocking at my door
Wanna know what it is make the boys want more
Is your lover playing on your side?
Said he loves you
But he ain't got time
Here's the answer
Come and get it
At a knocked down price
Full of honey
Just to make him sweet
Crystal balling
Just to help him see
What he's been missing
So come and get it
While you've still got time
Get your boy on his knees
And repeat after me, say
Take a sip of my secret potion
I'll make you fall in love
For a spell that can't be broken
One drop should be enough
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
Take a sip of my secret potion
One taste and you'll be mine
It's a spell that can't be broken
It'll keep you up all night
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
If you're lookin' for Mister Right
Need that magic
To change him over night
Here's the answer
Come and get it
While you've still got time
Get your boy on his knees
And repeat after me, say
Take a sip of my secret potion
I'll make you fall in love
For a spell that can't be broken
One drop should be enough
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
Take a sip of my secret potion
One taste and you'll be mine
It's a spell that can't be broken
It'll keep you up all night
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
All the girls on the block knockin' at my door
(I got the recipe)
Wanna know what it is make the boys want more
(Now you belong to me)
All the girls on the block knockin' at my door
(I got the recipe)
Wanna know what it is make the boys want more
(Now you belong to me)
Take a sip from my secret potion
I'll make you fall in love
For a spell that can't be broken
One drop should be enough
Boy, you belong to me (hey)
I got the recipe
And it's called, and it's called, and it's called black magic
Take a sip of my secret potion
One taste and you'll be mine
It's a spell that can't be broken
It'll keep you up all night
Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(And it's called black magic)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)
Falling in love (hey)

The Vamps

Group - The Vamps

Name of song - somebody like you

gerne - pop

date song was released - 18 may 2014

What was the song was about - what people want in life etc some people want money, some people want love .

Type of music video - amplification , performance 

What happens i the music video - they dance and perform o the beach and have a good time

who feature in the video - The vamps and a group of girls 


Yeah you!
Yeah you!
I used to wanna be
Living like there's only me
And now I spend my time
Thinking 'bout a way to get you off my mind (yeah you!)
I used to be so tough
Never really gave enough
And then you caught my eye
Giving me the feeling of a lightning strike (Yeah you!)
Look at me now, I'm falling
I can't even talk, still stuttering
This ground of mine keeps shaking
Oh oh oh, now!
All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you
All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you
Everybody's trying to be a billionaire
But every time I look at you I just don't care
'Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you (yeah you!)
I used to ride around
I didn't wanna settle down
But now I wake each day
Looking for a way that I can see your face (Yeah you!)
I've got your photograph
But baby I need more than that
I need to know your lips
Nothing ever mattered to me more than this (Yeah you!)
Look at me now, I'm falling
I can't even talk, still stuttering
This ground of mine keeps shaking
Oh oh oh, now!
All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you
All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you
Everybody's trying to be a billionaire
But every time I look at you I just don't care
'Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you (Yeah you!)
Look at me now, I'm falling
I can't even talk, still stuttering
All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Yeah you!)
All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you
All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you (Yeah you!)
All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you
All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you (Yeah you!)
Yeah you!

Terminology                                  19/11/18

LO: To explore media terminology used to analyse exam tests 

See terminology page

Media language in music videos

LO:  To explore the use of media language in music videos .

Low angle shot   
This camera shot makes the audience feel like they are the book of potions

Media language in music videos                             29/11/18

LO: To export and analyse the use of media language in chosen case studies 

Analyse the media language in your music videos. How are they similar/different 

Little mix black magic    

  • In the video little mix perform to the camera.
  • The setting and the characters are mainly naturalism but the narrative isn't realistic .
  • The video follows the genre convection as the colour palette includes bright colours like pink.
  • The diegetic sound is used to create a high school atmosphere.
  • The editing is made at a steady pace, but it speeds up later in the song .
  • The video is a linear storyline as it progresses through the problem and solves it.
  • The camerawork's smooth which makes it look more professional .
  • The colour is saturated in the video .
  • It promotes the values of perseverance .
  • It follows the convention as they are wearing shorts, skirt and cop tops .

The Vamps perform to the camera and the girls 

    • The Vamps perform to the camera and the girls in the video .
    • The music video is realistic as it is on a bench .
    • The video does follow genre convections as it is a typical boy band trying to go for girls they like.
    • There is diegetic sound at the start of the video as you can hear  the sound of the waves on the beach .
    • The editing does  not match the pace of the song aa it changes after most lines in the song.
    • The narrative is linear as they first meet the girls and then perform and go round with them .
    • The camerawork is handled throughout the whole video .
    • The colour is saturated in the video.
    • It promotes the value of having fun spending time with friends and finding love .
    • The conventions of the film and TV aren't in the music video.


LO: To analyse representation in music videos

The producers are trying to make them seem 'ugly' or not attractive
This suggests they are an unpopular group but are now big and famous
The video is set in school where there is a lot pressure to do well and look good
The video promotes values of loving yourself and looking good

They are wearing trendy cloths like jackets to like jackets to look good and desirable
They are playing football in the video to show they are sociable and energetic 
They are on a beach so the producers can work with different clothes and incorporate the sea in the video 
The video promotes the values of friendship and socialism 
The girls i the video are wearing short and crop tops to represent them in a certain way


Little mix 

  • sexuality in the music video is hetrosexual 
  • The video celebrates social wellbeing and being around your and age is not represented 
  • Race his not represented 
  • Gender is shown with he girls wearing revealing cloths and age is not represented 
  • Disability is not represented 
  • The girls are wearing short skirts and small tops 
  • The artists are re[resented as nerdy at the start and becoming popular  at the end 
  • The Uk society is represented as stereotypical 
  • Revealing cloths are represented as attactive and disable and make up is deemed as attractive 
  • The video gives a message that anyone can become popular with a bit of luck 

The Vamps 

  • People assume that love associated with heterosexual 
  • To go out with your mates and socialise, also being friends and doing things out of your comfort zone
  • Race is not represented 
  • Gender is presented with all girls all wearing revealing clothes and the guys playing football
  • The artist are presented as energetic and sports guy 
  • The uk society is represented as all liking football 
  • Slick hair is shown as attractive in the video as is revealing the clothes
  • The video gives a message that anyone can become poplar with a bit of luck


Exam Practise 

LO: To review representation of videos and practise exam style question

  • Simliar primary colours
  • real locations and natural light
  • costumes related to the demographics 
  • both artists perform to camera
  • shots straight forward relying editor to match the pace
  • the intertextuality lies in the choice of location 


  • The Vamps have a rather more exotic location and lifestyle 
  • Vamps have a realistic narrative 
  • Far more energetic and restless camera work 
  • Vamps have a edgy feel and Little mix have more popular look
Representation Similarities 

  • Dominant mainstream values of the importance of heterosexual love 
  • tribe source as support 
  • Both celebrate as being young 
  • offer values of being attractive when young 
  • worlds offer perfect times of the beach 
  • groups offer aspirational 

Representation differences 

  • Stereotypical of the male gaze
  • Little mix for attractive 
  • Black magic for attention 
  • Vamps has a narrow definition of body types of male and female 
Exam practise 

Explain one way in which music videos use media language to differ from each other.
Refer to one example of contrasting media language in two music videos you have studied to support your answer .

 Editing is used in both music videos but used for different effects. In the Vamps they make it look like a music video. Whereas Little mix make their music video look like a film or  TV show . Music videos use media language such as the use of colour to  create different effects to fit the meaning. 

Live lounge                                                                    10/01/19

LO: To research the radio industry and BBC radio 1

1. 10 radio stations
2. Over 50
3. Its work is funded principally by an annual television licence fee which is charged to all British households, companies, and organisations using any type of equipment to receive or record live television broadcasts and iPlayer catch-up.
4. Commercial radio stations
5. TV licence
6. Computer, radio, phone .

Live Lounge 


LO:  To explore how BBC Radio 1 meets PSB remit and meets the needs of its target audience

Public Service Broadcasting : PSB
In the United Kingdom, the term "public service broadcasting" refers to broadcasting intended for public benefit rather than to serve purely commercial interests. ... All of the BBC's television and radio stations have a public service remit, including those that broadcast digitally.

Radio 1:

  • Every radio station works hard to establish and sustain a very distant sound and tone.
  • The radio 1 audience is clearly addressed by presenting that are close to the age their main listeners demographics of 15-29
  • Targeting a young audience the language of the presenters and energetic often using informal everyday language that may include some slang intertextual references to pop - culture .


The remit of Radio 1 is to entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech. Its target audience is 15-29 year olds and it should also provide some programming for younger teenagers.
It should offer a range of new music, support emerging artists - especially those from the UK - and provide a platform for live music. News, documentaries and advice campaigns should cover areas of relevance to young adults.

Radio 1’s programmes should exhibit some or all of the following characteristics: high quality, original, challenging, innovative and engaging, and it should nurture UK talent.
The service should deliver its remit by producing a wide range of programmes that expose listeners to new and sometimes challenging material they may not otherwise experience. It should reflect a diverse range of new and UK music.
Radio 1’s daytime programmes should offer a mix of music, information and entertainment and use an extensive playlist to introduce unfamiliar and innovative songs alongside more established tracks. In the evening specialist presenters, covering a broad range of musical genres, should support artists at the forefront of new music, assisting their growth and development. A wide range of live events should be covered from around the UK and beyond and live music should be featured throughout the schedule, with sessions and concerts from both established acts and experimental new bands. Radio 1 should encourage its listeners to take part in music events and activities.

How have radio 1 met the remit ?

Radio 1 entertain and engage a range of listeners, for example best movies or the music to charts. The  target audience is 15 to 29 they bring new and up coming musicians in the uk .

Media convergence is a term that can refer to either: 1) the merging of previously distinct media technologies and media forms due to digitization and computer networking; or 2) an economic strategy in which the media properties owned by communications companies employ digitization and computer networking 

What advantages is there for 1 BBC 2 Vevo or 3 the audience 

  1. Money also a larger audience new audience

  2. They might get a bigger audience by access  their stuff no time limited. 

  3. exclusive access to get online to keep audience their. interactive participation , ask questions also web cams and stream the radio shows . audience have a choice in how they each or listen whats in it .

Thursday 17th January 2019

Ofcom's role 

  • Ensuring the optimal use of the electro spectrum
  • Ensuring that a wide range of electronic communications services including high speed data services - is available throughout the united kingdom 
  • Ensuring a wide range of TV and radio services of high quality and wide appeal 
  • Maintaining plurality in the provision of broadcasting.
  • Applying adequate protection for audiences against offensive or harmful material 
  • Applying adequate protection for audiences against unfairness or the infringement of privacy 
What is plurality?

We have defined plurality as a) ensuring there is a diversity of viewpoints available and consumed across and within media enterprises and b) preventing any one media owner or voice having too much influence over public opinion and the political agenda.

Protection of under 18

  • Material that might seriously impair the physical, mental or moral development of the people under 18 must not be broadcast 
  • In the provision of services and broadcast must take all reasonable steps to protect people under 18 
  • Children must also be protected in the form of appropriate scheduling ensuring that they are not      privy to material that is unsuitable for them .

 Media Scheduling 

refers to the pattern of timing of an advertising which is represented as plots on a flowchart on a yearly basis. The plots in the flowchart indicate the pattern of periods that matches with favorable selling periods.

The live lounge like show is going to be made for classical music. It will be running 4 days a week it will have short parts of asking the presenter questions via social media. The show would have to broadcast from an area with a higher population e.g Spain/France. The show would have to be aware of the standard midday rules set by OfCom, such as if a younger child was to end up watching it the show would need to be family friendly so anyone can watch it . The show has a target audience for 45-70 year old. The show would be broadcast at around 9:00am - 3:00pm as the target audience will be awake and ready to watch even if they go out later in the day. The general demographic for this would be advertised on the radio e.g BBC Radio 2 and 4, it would have segments of the news as that usually appeals to san older demographic.

Thursday 24th January 

LO: to analyse the structure of the live lounge and the audience appeal

 Being hosted by Radio 1 and 1Xrta allows artists to be broadcast across two of the radio platforms - either to a more niche audience or enabling a wider audience for a band .

Clara Amfo :
Clara was born in Kingston upon Thames on 28 May 1984. She got her start in showbiz as a presenter on Nickelodeon, and by entering a contestant in the BBC Talent competition that saw her land at CBBC. The 33-year-old started her radio career at KISS FM in London, presenting the overnight show.12 J. Amfo hosted the British premiere of Red Riding Hood, Baby Driver, Tomb Raider, Kingsman and Marvel's Black Panther at Hammersmith Apollo and has reported from assorted events in the UK, including Wireless, Global Gathering, SW4 and NASS festivals. In 2012 she was nominated for a Sony Radio Award in the "Rising Star" category

DJ Ace:
Amfo hosted the British premiere of Red Riding Hood, Baby Driver, Tomb Raider, Kingsman and Marvel's Black Panther at Hammersmith Apollo and has reported from assorted events in the UK, including Wireless, Global Gathering, SW4 and NASS festivals. In 2012 she was nominated for a Sony Radio Award in the "Rising Star" category.[6][7]


  1. Terminology - Good definitions

    Genre Conventions - shows some understanding, lacks detail

    Target Audience - Need more work on the psychographics

    Analysis - great first attempt
    DIRT: Think about the Free CD and what that offers the TA and why it will appeal. Mention the intertextuality.

  2. Music Videos: Good research and analysis of your chosen videos.
    TARGET: make sure you are using accurate terminology and ensure you are talking about how the artists/setting/ideas are represented to the target audience.

    Live Lounge: good research - make sure you can say how the programme meets the PSB remit


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