The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie: Intertextuality

LO: To Explore the intertextuality of The Lego Movie

  • Emmet Brickowski

  • Lord Business

  • Lucy "Wyldstyle"

  • Batman

  • MetalBeard

  • Princess Unikitty

  • Benny the Spaceman

  • Bad Cop / Good Cop

  • Vitruvius

  • The Man Upstairs

  • Finn

  • Ma Cop and Pa Cop

  • Master Builders

    • Superman
    • Wonder Woman

    • Green Lantern

    • Flash

    • 2002 NBA All Stars

    • Abraham Lincoln

    • postmodernism

      challenges genre convocation : night be a mixture a variety of genres of typical character roles. Pastiche: imitates other texts humorous take ono society/culture. Hyper-reality makes the audience aware that they are watching a movie.
    • Thursday 3rd may 2018

      LO: To identify the target6 audience using demographics and psychographics

      • Young kids who play with lego
      The songs will make the children like the movie and batman lord business will be well known to the kids 
  • Parents who played with it when they were young too
the action for the more older character will bring good memories and will usually be on one side of the father and so argument
        • Young adult cinema -goers
    • they will like lord of the rings and also the older humour and also the people that play the character. And the intertextuality from the matrix 

    • 21/05/17

    • Location : Both  movies have big cities for both main settings Both the real world but also have the simulated world which was imaginary.

      Characters: Emmet and Neo Wildstyle is Trinity Vitruvius and Morpheus.

      Themes/Messages : Both films have the same meaning the both don't think they can do it until they believe in themselves.

      Narrative : Always have self belief and don't give up.

      Quest to save the world.

      Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the intertextual relationship between the Matrix and The Lego Movie?

      One advantage of basing the The Lego Movie to The Matrix is they both have the same narrative of always have self belief and don't give up.On the other hand , the younger kids will not get the meaning of the film whereas the parents that used to play with lego will understand the meaning behind the Movie and know the link between both The Lego Movie and The Matrix. Another advantage is the young adults may have not seen the Matrix may now understand about the Matrix and some may argue that is the most important thing for the movie.

      The Lego Movie : Marketing                       24/05/18 

      LO: To explore marketing and promotion of The Lego Movie ; to link the methods to the target audience.

      - Mcdonalds
      - Trailers
      - Posters
      - Adverts
      - Leaflets
      - Blogger
      - Newspaper
      - Post on Twiter
      - Celebrity posts
      - Their Facebook page
      - Big British Television
      - Merchandise
      - Brand Partnerships


      - 17 Lego sets
      - 16 collectable mimi figure
      - The Lego Movie Video Game
      - Range of school supplies
      - Sticker and activity books

      Ways to promote the film

      - Website
      create your own character
      - Events
      fan of the week
      - Posters
      new poster each week in January for a character
      - Links with global partners/brands



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