
Television: Industries and Audiences                                                            01/11/19

LO: To research the history, companies and regulators on the television industry. 

Publicly owned TV:
Public broadcasting includes radio, television and other electronic media outlets whose primary mission is public service. In much of the world, funding comes from the government, especially via annual fees charged on receivers.

Commercial TV channel:
Commercial broadcasting (also called private broadcasting) is the broadcasting of television programs and radio programming by privately owned corporate media, as opposed to state sponsorship.

Media convergence is the merging of mass communication outlets – print, television, radio, the Internet along with portable and interactive technologies through various digital media platforms. Media convergence is the blending of multiple mediaforms into one platform for purposes of delivering a dynamic experience.

But what exactly is the watershed and how does it work? The watershed means the time when TV programmes which might be unsuitable for children can be broadcast

Segmented marked:
Market segmentation is when you divide your visitors and customers into segments, or groups, based on qualities that they have in common.

traditional or established broadcasting or publishing outlets

the fact of something such as an organization regulating itself without intervention from external bodies.

an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, for example acting as an agent for a company's products.

Channel surfing:
Channel surfing. ... Channel surfing (also known as channel hopping or zapping) is the practice of quickly scanning through different television channels or radio frequencies to find something interesting to watch or listen to.

Public Service Broadcasting (PSB)is broadcasting made, financed and controlled by the public, for the public. It is neither commercial nor state-owned, free from political interference and pressure from commercial forces. Through PSB, citizens are informed, educated and also entertained.

TV licence:
A TV Licence covers you to watch or record live TV programmes on any channel, download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer – live, catch up or on demand.
Media Scheduling refers to the pattern of timing of an advertising which is represented as plots on a flowchart on a yearly basis. The plots in the flowchart indicate the pattern of periods that matches with favorable selling periods.
A media conglomerate, media group, or mediainstitution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.

Television Industries: Ownership 

LO: To explore the history of ownership in two key channels 

The Town of No Return 

  • Opening scene - beach - stereotypical fisherman
  • Shot on locations -  more for tech
  • Mr peals outfit and apartment shows that things are now modern they reflect the up and coming change in art and design 
  • Steed represents the patriarchal society as fellas the older traditional generation 
  • Show is presented to america so mr steed represents the stereotypical english man 
  • Female represents as smart and intelligent by where she works 
  • Mrs steel sexual 
  • Mr steed always in control shows dominance 
  • Typical British pubs 
  • Jazz music
  • Mrs steel only fights a girls 

Television Industries: 2010s                                                                                                30/01/20

LO: to explore the TV industry in 2010s and the effects on TV shows and audiences 

Changes in tv industry and production:

  • Shifting audiences 
  • loss of mass audiences 
  • loss of national audiences 
  • need for content 
  • need for celebs 
  • remake of old should 
  • on trend
  • pre title
  • serials
  • catch up
  • streaming
  • box sets
  • external sourcing 
  • search for 'big thing'
  • channel surfing 
  • create own schedules 
  • 24/7 media 
  • binge viewing

What elements did the producers choose to include and why?

Action clips

How have they represented police life?

Difficult and tense 

Have they represented personal dramas?

Intense and fast pasted

How have they used media language to make it appeal to the target audience? 

  •  voice over 
  • quick short clips to show the pace of the actual job


  • Cuffs was aired October 2015
  • aired at 8pm
  • post water shead
  • popular format 
  • range of characters and storylines
  • not threatening 
  • lack of depth

passive vs active audience 

A passive is someone thats waits and lets things happen to you and active is when full react to something. Passive people will just watch or look at something and look at it at face value. 

Cuffs and Social Values 

LO:   to explore todays social values and analyse how these are represented in cuffs

Social values:
  • How we see the world 
 Cuffs represent the post 2010 era ?

  • PSB is payed by tv licence

They represent ethnicity as every race is even and different races can have the same role. For example       the police force have both black and white females and males which also shows that their gender doesn't matter and they are both equal. Also there is a sexuality variety in the scene cuffs because the lawyer and police offer are both homosexual which shows that homosexuals where legally aloud to express there feelings. However the main focus isn't on the homosexual as important the focus is that he's the new kid in the job and his dad is the chief constable. 


Public service broadcasting :
  • Have to follow the Ofcom rules
  • all bbc channels + radios
  • inform and understand of the world 
  • Stimulating knowledge and learning 
  • reflecting the uk's culture 
  • Representing diversity and alternative viewpoints 

The Cuffs scene represents the PSB remit and the BBC's core mission by using a range of there intended purposes. For example in Cuffs they try to inform and make you understand that everyday in a police life is tough and they make you understand that everyday is different on the job. They shows this by showing the conflict between to officers both different races but both on the same team this shows teamwork and learning on the job.

They also make it entertaining by having multiple character types such as a comedian character in jake and a serious character in Ryan this shows a contrast in personality which leads to disagreements however can also lead to building a bond. But you never see any physical action of bad use of language due to the pre watershed. 


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